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Stay organized

Getting things done - To-Do List app

Organize your task, plan your day, getting things done, get reminders with this app

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Stress-free productivity app

This app follow GTD® - Getting Things Done methodology by David Allen

It establishes a work flow that allows you to easily and intuitively manage all the elements of your personal productivity.

1. Capture everything that catches your attention.

2. Clarify what each thing is and what you're doing with it.

3. Organize the results correctly.

4. Review your system regularly.

5. Do the right thing at all times.

 Inbox : Capture everything that catches your attention. Nothing is too big or small!

For GTD to work, you must stop storing information in your brain. Anything that crosses your mind — to-dos, events, ideas, book recommendations, etc — must be captured and stored immediately in an inbox

Your inbox is only used to collect the chaos of your thoughts in order to get them off your mind. This is not the place or time to worry about organization.

In the app, your inbox will act as the default place to hold all your inputs until you have a chance to organize them

 Today : this is the list for to-dos that you want to start before the day ends. They’re your priorities. Task in today will auto move to next day

 Upcoming : If the item needs to be done at a specific date and/or time, give the task a due date. When you set a due date, it will display in this tab

 Someday : This is the incubator. Here you should put the stuff that is not important now, but you want to revisit in the future.

 Logbook : when you complete a to-do, it will moves to your Logbook.

 Project : if you need more than one action to get a result, create a project where you can add the necessary action steps to achieve the final result. You’ll find that many of the tasks you wrote down are actually projects